Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Through the women's initiative program, we'll be going to high schools in the end of jan to give presentations to school girls (in Atlanta, so if anyone is going to be there during Jan29 - feb5, let me know!), to encourage them to go into engineering by talking about some research, cool projects and why they should do engineering. [ slycoder: Does the world really need more geeks?] I'm really excited about this. Except I'm not totally sure what to say about the upside of being a female in engineering. Maybe that you get to be the only girl in class. or that you get to spend fun nights in lab trying to debug a burnt capacitor problem. Maybe I'll put up my naive blogs from the EE52 microprocessor class that I did in my young undergrad many many years ago and about the time when I had bad karma for destroying someone else's ROM chip; though that might turn out to be a bit too dark for minds so young.

Other than that, I decided to find out how long the BU bridge run really is, i.e. the loop starting from MIT, going across the Mass Ave/Harvard bridge, and then along the charles, back on the BU bridge to MIT. I ran it for the first time two weeks back, and it felt *long*, longer than 5k, but then I wouldnt know since I have never run 5k before. I decided to use Routeruler to map the route, and measure the length. For that, you need to load a map, give it a scale and chalk out the route. The scale could be gotten from google maps. I learned to do this be reading people's blogs online. Anyway, turns out, the route really is 5km long. [more images to come]